Slovenian Bridal Customs

Many Slovak marriage customs may seem foreigners unfamiliar, but Slovaks truly do appreciate them. The ceremony should look beautiful, and if something does n’t look good on camera, they are n’t afraid to retake it This is...

A Closer Look at a Bride Custom in Asia

Weddings are by nature a fusion of two people and their civilizations. With that in mind, numerous Eastern civilizations have countless traditions and rites surrounding the wedding weekends. Some may be familiar with the Mehndi Ceremony...

Czech Ceremony Traditions

When it comes to planning your big time, you can never go wrong with a few vintage marriage practices. But when you’re getting married in the Czech Republic, there are a few special customs that are sure to make your specific day yet more unforgettable. We...

Ceremony Convention in the Philippines

Philippine weddings are extremely sophisticated and may take up to five hours! The key section of a Filipino wedding is the religious meeting that takes place at the chapel and the standard...

Polish bridal customs

Polish wedding customers receive sugar and food when they arrive at the reception. The woman’s families give these requirements to them as a sign of their love and promise that the...